Adding Audio to my Level

Added a rotating door that needs a key to open

Added new sound effects for different actions

  • "opening the door"        -- used audio recorded in my bedroom
    • I wanted the sound to be quick and efficient for the player to understand
  • "the door is locked"        -- used audio recorded in my bedroom
    • I made the sound in a similar way to the opening door sound so I made this one more violent to differentiate it
  • "picking up the key"        -- used audio recorded in my bedroom
    • I wanted the sound to be quick and efficient for the player to understand
  • "checkpoint"        --  used BFXR
    • I wanted the noise to be upbeat to signify something good has happened to the player
  • "you died"        --  used BFXR
    • I made the noise lower to further emphasize the negative connotations
  • "moving platform"        --  used BFXR
    • I wanted to make the platform sound mechanical
  • "falling platform activated, falling, and rising"        --  used BFXR
    • I wanted to let the player know something was wrong when the platform is activated, that something has changed when it starts to fall and that it was changing again while resetting
  • "jump"        --  used BFXR
    • I wanted the sound to be light, like the player when jumping
  • "dash"        --  used BFXR
    • I wanted a wind-like sound to show how fast the player is moving
  • "enter battle"        --  used BFXR
    • I wanted a noticeable transition from platforming gameplay to the combat
  • "standard BGM"        --  used BeepBox
    • I wanted to match the temple aesthetic I have going on in the main level
  •  "battle BGM"        --  used BeepBox
    • I wanted something faster and more combative for where battle will take place

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8 days ago

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